Advanced Picture menu
BrilliantColorâ„¢: Produces an expanded onscreen color spectrum that delivers
enhanced color saturation for bright, true-to-life images. Choose Normal Look for
most video sources and Bright Look for most computer sources.
Select Auto to constantly adjust the aperture based on the
amount of black in the current scene, or select a percentage for a fixed aperture size
(100% is maximum size).
Color Temperature: C
hanges the intensity of the colors. Select a listed relative
warmth value.
Overscan: Removes noise
around the video image.
Adjusts the horizontal phase of a computer source.
Sync Threshold: (progressive signals
only) If a hardware device, such as a DVD
player, is not syncing properly with the projector, select this option to help it to sync
when connected to the projector.
Adjusts the vertical scan of a computer source.
Color Space: This op
tion applies to computer and component video sources. It
allows you to select a color space that has been specifically tuned for the input
signal. When Auto is selected, the projector automatically determines the standard.
To choose a different setting, turn off Auto, then choose RGB for computer sources
or choose either REC709 or REC601 for component video sources.
Noise Reduction: Reduces temporal and/or spatial noise in the image.
Flesh Tone Correction:
Controls the amount of flesh tone correction applied to the
Set Black Level...: Analyzes
the current input image and calculates an offset value
which is then added to the analog to digital converter black level value. This
ensures optimum black level for each analog source.
Detect Film: Contro
ls film mode detection, and determines whether the original
source of the input video was film or video.
Motion Smoothing: This feature predicts the motion direction of objects and
pixels, and generates more frames to smooth the image and action, resulting in a
very crisp image.
Gamma: Sel
ect the appropriate gamma from among Video, Film, Bright, and CRT.
Color Gamut: Sets the
color gamut of the input signal.
Color Gain: Adjust
s the gain of the red, green, or blue channel of the image.
Color Offset:
Adjusts the offset of the red, green, or blue channel of the image.
Horizontal/Vertical Position:
Adjusts the position of a computer source.
Horizontal/Vertical Pincushion: Correct optical pincushion distortion.