
© 2000 - INLINE, Inc. CD100 / CD110 Court DirectorSystem Operation Manual - V. 1.0 11/30/2000
Command Description
PCLxyyy load ascii projector code for projector memory x (1<=x<=4)
(code yyy consists of 0 to 8 ascii characters)
To allow inclusion of the current command code characters in the PCL ASCII string,
the Data Link Escape character of ‘\’ may be used. If the character is supposed to be
interpreted literally instead of by its command code definition, it is preceded by a ‘\’.
Example: To load the ASCII String ‘[CH1]’ into memory 1 while the current
command code characters are ‘[‘and’]’, the following command will be issued:
An alternative way to achieve this without the Data Link Escape character would be
to change the command code to ‘(‘and’)’, issue the PCL command literally, and
change the command code back to ‘[‘and’]’. The three command sequence should be:
PCE0 disable projector port (includes manual and serial activation)
PCE1 enable projector port
PCE2 set projector port to test mode (projector codes are sent through the communications port)
PCE? request projector port status
RES0 reset (power on)
The input, output, volume, mute, projector port enable, baud rates and command
codes are reset to their most recent values. Judge override condition is cleared.
RES1 reset**
SAVEx save current settings to configuration memory (1<=x<=4)
Settings include:
Input channel
Output channel
Volume, mute, treble, bass and balance for all 3 input channels
TRE+ increase treble of currently selected input channel
TRE- decrease treble of currently selected input channel
TRE@ set treble of currently selected input channel to normal (016)**
TRE? request treble setting of currently selected input channel
TRExxx set treble of currently selected input channel to absolute (008<=xxx<=025)
VOL+ increase volume of currently selected input channel
VOL- decrease volume of currently selected input channel
VOL@ set volume of currently selected input channel to normal (043)**
VOL? request volume setting of currently selected input channel
VOLxxx set volume of currently selected input channel to absolute (012<=xxx<=063)
* This Command List is preliminary. All commands listed in this manual are functional, however,
INLINE reserves the right to modify, remove and / or add commands on future product revisions. The
commands are not case sensitive.
** Factory default