
©2001 Inova Computers GmbHPage B-2 CPU Appendix-B
Appendix B
B1 ICP-HD CPU Extension
Several hard-disk connection possibilities exist of which two are documented here. Both of these
provide additional CPU functionality in the form of PS-2 style mouse and keyboard connectors
and serial COM1 and COM2 ports.
B1.1 J11, J13 Interfaces
The control of the mouse, keyboard, COM1 & COM2 interfaces is performed through the J11 and
J13 connectors respectively on the CPU base board. The location of these connectors may be
determined by referring to Section 1 - Product Overview of the CPU User’s Manual. A flex cable
from J11 and J13 connects to the interface boards discussed in this section.
B1.2 ICP-HD-1 & Front-panel (4HP or 8HP)
The Inova ICP-HD-1 interface is an IDE device carrier board available as a stand-alone device with
its own 4HP front-panel or integrated with the CPU as in figure B1.2.
Figure B1.2 ICP-HDE8 Stand-Alone or Integrated with CPU