SECTION 6Troubleshooting
6642 Pen Computer User’s Guide
Other Problems
Why is the date or time incorrect?
" Correct the date and time using the Date/Time icon in
the Windows Control Panel or the Main menu of the
setup utility.
" Connect the AC adapter for at least eight hours in orĆ
der to charge the backup battery.
" Use the Setup utility to set the correct date and time.
" If the correct date and time are still not displayed, conĆ
tact an Intermec service center and have the backup
battery on the system board replaced.
Why is there no sound output?
" Check the speaker icon fromthe taskbar icon and
check the Windows volume control.
Why can't I use a hardware device?
" Make sure the device is not disabled from Windows by
check ing the Device Manager tab in System Properties.
Check to see that the Disable in this hardware profile
box is unchecked.
Why don't PC Cards work in MS-DOS mode?
" Confirm that there are no conflicts involving COM3,
which is used by cards, and COM1, which is used by
other devices. This is because COM1 is already used
by other pen computer devices. Use the setup utility
to change the COM port settings. When a PC card
uses COM3, set the COM Port" item to Disabled."
Why don't PC Cards Function?
" Confirm that the PC Card is inserted right side up in
the PC Card slot. Check that the card is inserted fully
into the slot. If you are using a PC Card modem,
check the modem cable connections.