how to Make a call6.3
Standard Mobile Phone Dialing
To place a call through your mobile phone, dial the number as usual and then press the call button on the
mobile. On most phones, the audio link from the mobile phone to your headset opens automatically.
Figure 8: To make a call on your mobile phone, simply dial as usual while wearing the headset
Note: some mobile phones may work dierently and/or require you to congure them to work as described
above. Please see your mobile phone documentation for complete details about how to use it with
a Bluetooth headset.
Voice-Activated Mobile Phone Dialing
This feature requires that your mobile phone supports the hands-free Bluetooth prole. See your mobile phone’s
documentation for details about how to set up voice-activated dialing and whether this feature is supported over
Figure 9: To use voice-activated dialing, tap the multifunction button and speak the appropriate voice tag
To use voice-activated dialing with a mobile phone that supports it:
1. If necessary, set the mobile phone as the current target for your headset (see also Section 6.2: The Target Phone
2. Tap the headset’s multifunction button. You will then hear the voice-dialing prompt generated by your mobile
phone. Speak the trigger for the number you want and allow the phone to dial.
Tip: Your voice tags may work better if you record them using the headset rather than your phone’s
built-in microphone. This will make sure that the sound the phone “hears” coming from the headset when
dialing will be the closest possible match to the recorded voice tag.