
Page 27
TM-4200GE Software
GigE Series Camera Serial Commands
5 GigE Series Camera Serial Commands
You can control the GigE series cameras by serial command either using RS-232 or Camera Link. The
Start character is always “:” and the End character is always <CR> (return). For example, to set
Asynchronous Pulse Width Mode, send the command :ASH=9<CR> to the camera. Table 4 lists serial
commands that can be used to control the camera.
TABLE 4. TM/TMC-4200 Command List
Command Parameter
End of
Cmd Ack. Response Description
Scan Mode
:SMD X <cr> :o<cr> Set Preset Scan Area (X=A,B,C,D,T)
:SMDZ= X <cr> :o<cr> Set Digital Zoom (X=0,1,2,3)
:SMDU= XXXXYYYY <cr> :o<cr> Set Programmable Scan Area
(XXXX=0000 - 07FF, YYYY=0001 -
:SMD? <cr> :oMD[X]<cr> Inquire current scan mode
Shutter Mode and Shutter Speed
:MSH= X <cr> :o<cr> Set Continuous Mode Preset Shutter ( X=
0 - 9)
:DSH= XXX <cr> :o<cr> Set Continuous Mode Programmable
Shutter ( XXX=000 - total lines)
:ASH= X <cr> :o<cr> Set Async Mode Preset Shutter (X=0 - 9,
A, B) ( X=0 async no shutter,
( X=1-8 Preset Shutter, X=9 PWC, X=A
Fixed exposure PIV, X=B PWC PIV)
:ADS= XXX <cr> :o<cr> Set Async Mode Programmable Shutter
(XXX=000 - 81F)
:SHR? <cr> :o[shtr]<cr> Inquire current shutter mode
Gain and Offset
:MGA= XXX <cr> :o<cr> Set Master Gain
(XXX = 000 - FFF)
:MGB= XXX <cr> :o<cr> Set R channel Fine Gain
(XXX = 000 - FFF)
:VRA= XXX <cr> :o<cr> Set Master Offset
(XXX = 000 - FFF)
:VRB= XXX <cr> :o<cr> Set R channel Fine Offset
(XXX = 000 - FFF)
:MGA? <cr> :oMG[XXX]<cr
Inquire Master Gain
(XXX = 000 - FFF)
:MGB? <cr> :oSG[XXX]<cr> Inquire R channel Fine Gain (XXX = 000
- FFF)
:VRA? <cr> :oMF[XXX]<cr> Inquire Master Offset
(XXX = 000 - FFF)
:VRB? <cr> :oSF[XXX]<cr> Inquire R channel Fine Offset
(XXX = 000 - FFF)