
Welcome to the exclusive circle of Jamo R 907 owners! This manual will give you a
quick overview of how to set up your speakers in your room. For more in-depth in-
formation about the technologies please refer to the R 907 technical description.
The fi rst word of advice. After setting up your R 907s for the fi rst time, please allow
yourself a couple of days to listen to them before you start fi ne-tuning the sound.
This will serve two purposes. Firstly, you will get a sense of what these speakers
sound like. Secondly, it will give time for the speakers to run in: the tonal quality of
this design changes slightly after the fi rst couple days of playing music.
Please remember the guidelines in this manual are only recommendations. There
are no hard and fast rules about setting up a pair of speakers as unique as these.
When you get down to fi ne-tuning their performance in your room don’t be afraid
of experimenting: any speaker will sound different when moved a few inches. Feel
free to change the speakers’ positions and move them around the room to deter-
mine your best listening position and sound.
Always rely on your own judgement to determine what sounds best. We do...