1 5 4 I_
1. Left rearelement (dual _.
element on selectmodels)
2, Leftfront element 2
3. Rightfront element _:_.
4. Right rearelement 2- -3 :i_':
_ 4
5. Centerrear heating :_: __
(ModelCCE3531only) ,,-
• Thecontrols are a push-turntype. To turn on the 3 L0
radiantand halogenelements,pushdownandturn 5_ ",_Hi
ineitherdirection. Toturn onthedualradiant (/ x/9
element,turn clockwisefrom OFF to control the 7
largeelement and counterclockwisefrom OFFto
controlthesmallelement. Toturn ontheinduction 9_J 3
(,0) o. o
• Whenthecontrolisinanyposition,otherthan OFF, DualElementControl
itmay be turned withoutpushing down.
ModelsCOE3451&CVE3400- A redindicatorlight willglow whenanelementis turned
ON. Thereis a light for each element.
ModelsCCE3401&CCE3531-Whenthe controlknobsareinthe OFFposition,theonly
settingvisibleis OFF. When thecontrol knob isturned ON, the ringaroundthe control
knobwill glow and all othercontrol settingswill be shown.
The cooktop has Hot Surface Lights to indicate when each radiant and/or halogen
elementcookingarea ishot.The red light willremain on untilthe area has cooled. The
inductionelementsdo not have Hot SurfaceIndicatorLights.
Whenthe inductionelementsare ON, a coolingfan will operate. The cooling fandoes
notoperate with theradiant and halogenelements.