/Installation Instructions
Your new refrigerator was packed carefully for shipment. Remove and discard shelf packing clips (if used) located just
above each shelf where they hook onto the frame. To remove plastic clips wiggle the clips sideways and pull straight out.
Location of Your Leveling is Important
R e f r i g e r a t o r Toenhanceappearanceandtomaintainoptimal perfor-
mance, the refrigerator must be level. Your refrigerator has
• Allow for a free flow of air through the front base grille, wheels which can be adjusted for leveling:
• Install the refrigerator where the room temperature will
• Remove the lower hinge covers (see fig. 1). To do this,
not go below 55° F. With temperatures below 55°, the grasp each cover near the hinge and apply pressure. The
refrigerator will not run frequently enough to maintain attachment tabs will snap out, allowing removal of the
proper temperature in the freezer.
• Allow a minimum 1/2" clearance on the sides, top and • Adjust the wheels with a screwdriver (see fig. 2).
back for ease of installation. If the refrigerator is placed
with the door hinge side against awall, you may want to • To lock the cabinet in place, turn down both
allow additional space so the door can be opened wider, leveling/lock feet, located near the front wheels (see fig.
3). Rear leveling/lock feet are not required.
• Use caution when installing the unit on vinyl or hard-
wood floors so as not to mark or otherwise damage the • Replace the hinge covers.
flooring. A piece of plywood, a rug or other material • If the floor is not level and it is necessary to raise the
should be used to protect the floor while positioning the rear of the cabinet, we suggest rolling the rear wheels
unit. onto a piece of plywood or other shim material.
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Energy Saving Tips ,....... .,
• Locate the refrigerator away from heat producing appli- Fi_.
ances such as the range or dishwasher, heat vents and
direct sunlight.
• Level the refrigerator and do not block ventilation
around the front grille.
• Keep the freezer full to near capacity so less cold air will TURNCLOCKWISETO
escape during door openings. When the freezer is less
than two-thirds full, place milk cartons half full of water
• Let hot dishes cool slightly before putting into the
refrigerator or freezer.
• Cover liquids.
• Wipe moisture from the outside of containers before ____._
placing them into the refrigerator, l_,_
• Avoid opening the doors too often.
Fig. 3 __