Basic Operation
• Always use a back-up piece of scrap wood
to cover the table. This protects both the
table and the drill bit.
• Place material to be drilled in such as way
as to come into contact with the left side of
the column. This prevents the material from
If the work piece is not large enough to
come into contact with the column, use a
clamp or drill press vise that is securely
fastened to the table!
Failure to comply may cause serious injury!
• Feed the bit into the material with only
enough force to allow the drill bit to work.
Feeding too slowly may cause burning of
the workpiece. Feeding too quickly may
cause the motor to stop and/or the drill bit to
• Generally speaking, the smaller the drill bit,
the greater the RPM required. Wood
requires higher speeds than metal. Metal is
usually drilled at slower speeds.
• In dusty environments, frequently blow out
any dust that accumulates inside the motor.
Periodically lubricate the gear and the rack, the
table elevation mechanism, the splines
(grooves) in the spindle, and the teeth of the
quill with a #2 tube grease.