restrictions are applied to getting video stream and bi-directional Audio.
Allowed users admin, operator
Setting Client Restriction to Deny/Allow
Format /api/param?network.access_control(stream_out).logic=data
Example /api/param?network.access_control(stream_out).logic=deny
Example of Response network.access_control(stream_out).logic&200 OK
Interpretation Change the deny/allow setting of client restrictions. Specify as deny or allow. These restrictions
are applied to getting video stream and bidirectional Audio.
Allowed user admin
Getting IP Address Setting of Restricted Client
Format /api/param?network.access_control(stream_out).host(Number)
Example When Getting the first IP address
Example of Response network.access_control(stream_out).host(1)= OK
Interpretation Acquire the IP address setting of the restricted client. Setting is possible up to 10 items. Specify a
value between 1 to 10 for the number. The following will be returned if subnet mask was specified.
Example of Response 2
network.access_control(stream_out).host(1)= OK
The above example indicates that the range is between to There are also cases when FQDN
instead of IP address is set.
Example of Response 3
network.access_control(stream_out).host(1)=somedivision.somecompany.com&200 OK
Allowed users admin, operator
Setting IP Address of Restricted Client
Format /api/param?network.access_control(stream_out).host(Number)=data
Example When setting the first IP address
Example of Response network.access_control(stream_out).host(1)&200 OK
Interpretation Change the IP address setting of client restriction. Setting is possible up to 10 items. Specify a
value between 1 to 10 for the number. A range of IP address may be specified if the subnet mask is also specified.
For example, set as follows to specify a range between to
Example /api/param?network.access_control(stream_out).host(1)=
It is also possible to set using FQDN instead of IP address. Set as follows if the setting is to be left blank.