Chapter 5---Electronics
Model 250 Service Manual 5-21
5.6 Horizontal Vertical Deflection PCB
Horizontal Vertical Deflection PCB - Main Functions
Drive the main horizontal deflection coils to provide horizontal raster scan
for the CRTs
Drive main vertical coils to provide vertical raster scan for the CRTs
Horizontal raster centering for all three colors
Switch mode power supply generating the required proportional DC
Horizontal width adjustment
Horizontal retrace switch network
Left/right pincushion and keystone correction
Vertical linearity adjustments individually for all three colors.
Vertical raster centering for all three colors
IIC interface.
Horizontal Vertical Deflection PCB - Inputs
H_BAND:0-3 - horizontal scan frequency bands, from Raster Timing Generator
/H_ENABLE - from the Raster Timing Generator PCB, enables the horizontal
deflection supply. Low = enabled deflection, High = disabled deflection.
H_DRIVE - square wave from the Raster Timing Generator PCB, 50% duty cycle
synchronized to the selected horizontal sync.
H_F2V - a DC voltage from the Raster Timing Generator PCB, proportional to
horizontal frequency
H_LOCK (neg.) - Deflection Yoke Connector Interlock return from the Scan
Reversal PCB.
DEFL_OK - deflection status signal from the Scan Reversal PCB (high = good,
(about 2 V), low = no scan).
V_RAMP - vertical ramp waveform from the Convergence Deflection PCB,
(about 4 Vpp).
V_PARAB - vertical parabola waveform from the Convergence Deflection PCB,
(about 4 Vpp).
FRONT/REAR - front or rear projection status line from the Scan Reversal PCB.
(FRONT = low, REAR = high).
FLOOR/CEILING - floor or ceiling projection status line from the Scan Reversal
PCB. (FLOOR = low, CEILING = high).