Remote control buttons and functions
You can adjust this TV so that the screen
automatically adjusts to the optimum
contrast according to the brightness of your
room. This function reduces eye strain and
the power consumption of this TV.
Press this button to select the desired
The ECO SENSOR function switches on. In
this mode, the clover mark indicating the
brightness of your room is displayed for
ro0[(r)22.9alo s codes ach ptieo the brightnesn
(Thenumb(er of clo)27.3(v)1347(er marse)]TJT*0 Tc-0.4901 Tw[ displa161.3(y238.4(edion scr)98.4(enk iscr87.3(ashesasf y)13.3(our r21347(ooe)]TJT*0.0102 Tw[bs cmhesdmar)125ocr886.9(.)]TJ/F12 1 Tf0 -2.0481 TD-0.0052 Tw[(DIGIT)55.3(AL ECO SENSORON(:)]TJ/F11 1 Tf0 -1.1134 TD-0.0252 Tc0.1479 Tw(The ECO SENSOR function switches onn)TjT*-0.0417 Tc-0.7379 Tw[Ho3,[(.8(V)1 1193(v125.0[(r96193,0[k i (this mode294.2(, the clo)38.7(v125.er markwille)]TJT*0 Tc-0.00electnot bes displa)45.6(y)14.7(d(.)]TJ/F12 1 Tf0 -2.6191 TD-0.0072 Tw[(DIGIT)55.3(AL ECO SENSOROFF(:)]TJ/F11 1 Tf0 -1.0997 TD-0.0003 Tw(The ECO SENSOR function switches ff.8)TjET121.542379(o64 m286.542379(o64 lSBT/F59 1 Tf10.185 0 0 10.185 121.5417381.882 Tm0.0069 Tw(ICTURE MODER button)Tj/F11 1 Tf8.73 0 0 8.73 121.5417.36.0432m*-0.0001 Tw[(Y)138.4(ou can selectonen of tr)55.3ehe ictour3[(.8en)]TJ0 -1.1134 TD0.0002 Tw[ adjusmentn statinesasf y)13.4(ouliky)20.)2749(.)]TJ/F12 1 Tf0 -1.5808 TD0.0019 Tw(Press this button to selecta (mode.)Tj0 -2.0481 TD0.0042 Tc0 Tw[(BRIGHTr96187(:)]TJ/F11 1 Tf0 -1.1134 TD0 Tc-0.0003 Tw[Herigheons(contr,[(r)(ast andsharptnesn)2769(.)]TJ/F12 1 Tf0 -2.6191 TD0 Tw[(SIT)45.6ANDARD(:)]TJ/F11 1 Tf0 -1.0997 TD-0.0079 Tw[St anacr)25odizhes ictour286.9e adjusmentso)3869(.)]TJ/F12 1 Tf0 -2.6191 TD0.0069 Tc0 Tw[(SOFTr98193(:)]TJ/F11 1 Tf0 -1.1134 TD0 Tc-0.0001 Tw[Sofheons(contr1617)(ast andsharptnesn)8749(.)]TJ/71 1 Tf7.763 0 07.763 121.54172150242 Tm0 Tw¥n)Tj/F11 1 Tf20.1513 0 TD0.2232 Tc0.1479 Tw[Pur31347(ssting this buttonr)17.9etouons ll, the ictour25028en)]TJ0 -1.2894 TD0 Tc-0.0001 Tw( statines i n)Tj/71 1 Tf4.84.9201 TD0 Tw(Òn)Tj/271 1 Tf2043943 0 TD0.0001 Tw(MENU 4n)Tj/71 1 Tf35.433201 TD0 Tw(Ón)Tj/F11 1 Tf204443 0 TD0.0001 Tw[(g to thire dfaultn statiney239(.)]TJET3108.042 642.64 m473.502 642.64 lSBT/F59 1 Tf10.185 0 0 10.1853108.0818 646.36 Tm0 Tw(COLOUR SYSTEMR button)Tj/F11 1 Tf8.73 0 0 8.733108.0818 632.92 Tm0.0003 Tw[If, the ictour28193em isnot cleaer rsnos(cl(our)]TJ0 -1.1134 TD-0.0003 Tw[appeaea)457(so)3869,0[kchange, the urrn)2769entn(cl(ou s)235.6(y)14.7stemd)]TJT*-0.0001 Tw[(ot ao thrn(cl(ou s)145.6(y238.4stem(.)]TJ/F12 1 Tf0 -1.5897 TD0.)133 Tc0.1389 Tw(Press this button to select the(cl(our)Tj0 -1.1134 TD2 Tc0 Twsystem(.)TjET/Emb(ddedDocumentn/MC417BDCSBT/141 1 Tf7.37253 0 07.76.7331256631 570.)872 Tm/GS2 gs(AUTO .)TjET2.765 i 3235207556728834 m3)980.365705.52lm3)980.365725oo64 l3235207556728834lfSBT7.37253 0 07.76.733650.232 570.)872 Tm(PAL.)TjET362.253556728834 m3580.0165705.52lm3580.0165725oo64 l362.253556728834lfS204185w 4 M 359.51155672931 m348288955672931 lm3)9884355672931 m309.632 5772931 lm309.632 561.8872lm3505.42 561.8872lm464600561.8872 m527.31 561.8872lm4527.31 5772931 lm4238704 5772931 lmSSBT7.37253 0 07.76.7339819769657020.92 Tm(SECAM.)Tj-1.0F59 -145381 TD(NTSC73.8.)TjET4642.897561.8534 m464684365640.142lm46468436559.622lm4642.897561.8534lfSBT7.37253 0 07.76.733535.2635558080115 Tm(NTSC4043.)TjET3925.2556728834 m39-148165705.52lm39-148165725oo64 l3925.2556728834lfS397297855672931 m382.356 5772931 lmSS1382881 561.8622 m3940.265640.952lm3940.26559.6292lm3382881 561.8622lfS3972622 561.8134 m4035245 561.8134lmSSEMCSBT/121 1 Tf8.73 0 0 8.733108.0818540.763 Tm/GS1 gs-0.0001 c(AUTO:n)Tj/F11 1 Tf20 -1.1134 TD2 Tc[(A)4352(utomcatcn(cl(ou s)18.7(y)14.7stemo seleci onn)]TJ/71 1 Tf7.763 0 07.7633108.08185161282 Tm¥n)Tj/F11 1 Tf20.1513 0 TD0.2763255.2electF)56187 rs the(cl(ou s)63217(y17.9stemes i ach couonty for)]TJ0 -1.2894 TD0 Tc-0.6252 Tw[ur313.3egi o,o se, thetable n)]TJ/71 1 Tf8193253 0 TD0 Tw(Òn)Tj/F11 1 Tf204443 0 TD-0.6252 Tw[Bcr)257(oadc(astings)117(y264.7stemsn)]TJ/71 1 Tf96.331 01 TD0 Tw(Ón)Tj/F11 1 Tf204443 0 TD-0.6252 Tw[tonn)]TJ-)9818370 -1.1134 TD-0.00elect theback coe294.2v)15028en0[(r96189(.)]TJ/71 1 Tf-20.1513 -14845 TD0 Tw(¥n)Tj/F11 1 Tf20.1513 0 TD-0.1683 Tw[If, the ictour243em isnot normalk i (te A)62.6(Un0[T)61.4(O0[k mode23217,r)]TJ0 -1.2894 TD80.343255.2electchange, theA)62.3(Un-01[T)51(O0[k mod (ot ao thrn(cl(oud)]TJT*-0.0039 Tc0 Tw[(s)235.6(y264.4stem(.)]TJET05.65w 10 M 1 i 3108.0424138.4 m473.5024138.4 lSBT/F59 1 Tf10.185 0 0 10.1853108.08184642126 Tm0 Tc-0.0069 TwSOUND SYSTEMR button)Tj/F11 1 Tf8.73 0 0 8.733108.081842386832m*-0.0001 Tw[If, thesouodm isnot cleaeren)2769vo)38.n whei (ter)]TJ0 -1.1134 TD[( ictour25(.8e appeaea)871(s normal,kchange, thd)]TJT*0.0002 Tw[ urrn)8769entnsouodmsr,[(.6(y)14.7stem (ot ao thrnsouodd)]TJT*0.0049 Tc0 Tw[(s)227.6(y)25ostem(.)]TJ/F12 1 Tf0 -1.5808 TD0.1533 Tc0.1389 Tw(Press this button to select thesouodd)Tj0 -1.1134 TD2 Tc0 Twsystem(.)TjET/Emb(ddedDocumentn/MC487BDCS/GS2 gs72893 i 322.2273359.5.36 m3)80.0793527214 lm3)80.079361.764 l322.2273359.5.36lfSqT05.9185 0 0 0.0185 0 0cmS204135w 4 M 41088F11359..614 m)255951359..614lm)2559513542181 lm3)0.7713542181 lm3)0.771359..614lm3)982075359..614lmSQSBT/141 1 Tf7.32833 0 07.736533145.9175356187242 Tm[B/G)-21035.6I D/K.