External Control
It is possible to control this unit by connecting it to a PC using an RS-232C cross cable (D-sub 9-pin).
The projector can be controlled by connecting it to a PC through the computer network with a LAN cable for control
commands to be sent to the projector.
Æ “ Network ” (p. 59)
Please use it after you have gained proper understanding from professional books or consulting the system
RS-232C Specifications
Pin No. Signal Function Signal Direction
2 RxD Receive data PC " This unit
3 TxD Transmission data This unit " PC
5 GND Signal ground
1, 4, 6 - 9 N/C
— —
PC refers to the controller, such as a personal computer.
Mode Non-synchronous
Character length 8 bit
Parity None
Start bit 1
Stop bit 1
Data rate 19200 bps
Data format Binary
D6 D7D4 D5D2 D3D0 D1
Stop bitStart bit
TCP/IP Connection
Before controlling via LAN, it is necessary to establish connection of the TCP layer by a “3-way handshake”, followed
by sending out “PJREQ” and
receiving “PJACK” within five seconds after the projector sends out “PJ_OK” for connection
If you are unable to complete sending within five seconds, or when “PJ_NG” or “PJNAK” is received, check the operating
status of the projector, followed by performing the steps again starting from establishment of a TCP connection.
Projector Control
Connection Authentication Procedure
Within 5 Seconds
Controlling PC
3-way Handshake
TCP Port No. 20554
Establishment of TCP Connection