Chapter 4 Streaming in Real-Time with USTREAM
Creating a USTREAM Account
To perform a live broadcast, you need an account to
use in USTREAM. Create an account by following the
instructions on the USTREAM website.
JVC KENWOOD and LoiLo do not accept any inquiries
regarding USTREAM operations. Please contact
Installing USTREAM Producer
Install USTREAM Producer by following the instructions
on the USTREAM website.
JVC KENWOOD and LoiLo do not accept any inquiries
regarding USTREAM Producer. Please contact
Using USTREAM, the Internet video streaming service, you can broadcast live to people all
around the world.
You can stream television-like programs using up to four cameras.
Installing the Camera Driver
When the Windows application is installed, the camera driver is also installed automatically.
If you have not yet installed the Windows application, install it by referring to "Chapter 1 Quick
Operation Guide". Check that you can view video from the viewing application, and then
proceed to the next step.