White Balance... Item
* Default values are indicated in bold characters.
Item Setting Values Function
Preset Temp.
For setting the color temperature when the [WHT.BAL.] selection switch of the camera recorder
is set to APRESETB.
White Paint R
Max, 30 to 1,
-1 to -31, Min
For adjusting the R (red) component in the AWB (Auto White Balance) mode.
Increase the number : Strengthens the red.
Decrease the number : Weakens the red.
Memo :
● This item is selectable when the [WHT.BAL.] selection switch on the right of the camera
recorder is set to AAB or ABB. When APRESETB is set, this item appears as A---B and cannot
be selected.
● Different values can be specified for AAB and ABB.
● After the [AWB] (Auto White Balance) button is pressed to readjust the white balance while
[Clear Paint After AWB] set to AOnB, [White Paint R] switches automatically to ANormalB.
White Paint B
Max, 30 to 1,
-1 to -31, Min
For adjusting the B (blue) component in the AWB (Auto White Balance) mode.
Increase the number : Strengthens the blue.
Decrease the number : Weakens the blue.
Memo :
● This item is selectable when the [WHT.BAL.] selection switch on the right of the camera
recorder is set to AAB or ABB. When APRESETB is set, this item appears as A---B and cannot
be selected.
● Different values can be specified for AAB and ABB.
● After the [AWB] (Auto White Balance) button is pressed to readjust the white balance while
[Clear Paint After AWB] set to AOnB, [White Paint B] switches automatically to ANormalB.
Clear Paint After
For specifying whether to clear the [White Paint R]/[White Paint B] settings after executing AWB
(Auto White Balance).
On : [White Paint R]/[White Paint B] are set to ANormalB after executing AWB.
Off : [White Paint R]/[White Paint B] are not changed after executing AWB.
Shading Mode
For specifying white shading adjustment settings. (A Page 42)
Preset : Sets white shading adjustment to a fixed level. Manual adjustment is disabled.
Manual : Enables manual white shading adjustment.
For making white shading adjustments.
Memo :
● This item cannot be selected when [Shading Mode] is set to APresetB.