Chapter 4---Maintenance (Removal/Replacement)
9. Remove the Rollbar assembly (2 pozidrive bolts/nuts on
left side and two nuts on right side). Disconnect and label
the 2 connectors on the hinge assembly for the shutter
motors (1 in front and 1 in rear). Remove and label the
jumper that connects the front interlock switch to the rear
interlock switch.
10. Remove the Rollbar Bracket that was holding up the left
side of the Rollbar assembly.
11. Remove the 3 ILA
asssemblies (Section 4.15).
12. Remove the remaining three hex bolts from the rear of the
Prism assembly. These screws are located in the cavities
where the ILA
assemblies were removed (see Figure 4-
13. The Prism is now free to be removed.
CAUTION!!! The Prism assembly is
heavy (about 70 lbs). Use two people to lift it out of the
14. Replace the Prism assembly in the reverse order.
Model 200 Service Manual 4-23