Country Code List
Code Country Name Code Country Name Code Country Name
AD Andorra GM Gambia NU Niue
AE United Arab Emirates GN Guinea NZ New Zealand
AF Afghanistan GP Guadeloupe OM Oman
AG Antigua and Barbuda GQ Equatorial Guinea PA Panama
AI Anguilla GR Greece PE Peru
AL Albania GS South Georgia and South Sandwich
PF Polynesia
AM Armenia GT Guatemala PG Papua New Guinea
AN Netherlands Antilles GU Guam PH Philippines
AO Angola GW Guinea-Bissau PK Pakistan
AQ Antarctica GY Guyana PL Poland
AR Argentina HK Hong Kong PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon
AS American Samoa HM Heard and McDonald Islands PN Pitcairn Islands
AT Austria HN Honduras PR Puerto Rico
AU Australia HR Croatia PT Portugal
AW Aruba HT Haiti PW Palau
AZ Azerbaijan HU Hungary PY Paraguay
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina ID Indonesia QA Qatar
BB Barbados IE Ireland RE Reunon Island
BD Bangladesh IL Israel RO Romania
BE Belgium IN India RU Russian Federation
BF Burkina Faso IO British Indian Ocean Territory RW Rwanda
BG Bulgaria IQ Iraq SA Saudi Arabia
BH Bahrain IR Iran SB Solomon Islands
BI Burundi IS Iceland SC Seychelles
BJ Benin IT Italy SD Sudan
BM Bermuda JM Jamaica SE Sweden
BN Brunei JO Jordan SG Singapore
BO Bolivia JP Japan SH Saint Helena
BR Brazil KE Kenya SI Slovenia
BS Bahamas KG Kyrgyzstan SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
BT Bhutan KH Cambodia SK Slovakia
BV Bouvet Island KI Kiribati SL Sierra Leone
BW Botswana KM Comoros SM San Marino
BY Belarus KN Saint Kitts and Nevis SN Senegal
BZ Belize KP Korea, Democratic People’s Republic
SO Somalia
CA Canada KR Korea, Republic of SR Suriname
CC Cocos Islands KW Kuwait ST Sao Tome and Principe
CF Central African Republic KY Cayman Islands SV El Salvador
CG Congo, Republic of KZ Kazakhstan SY Syria
CH Switzerland LA Laos SZ Swaziland
CI Cote d’Ivoire LB Lebanon TC Turks and Caicos Islands
2012/3/8 13:53:0