
18 01-0870-401B 01/03
Front Panel
Enter Button The Enter button is used to issue a command, such as the clear
history log command, or to set a parameter option, such as a video delay. The
Enter button performs the following tasks:
When the required command is displayed, the Enter button executes the
When a parameter value is correctly displayed, the Enter button configures
the system with the new parameter value. The new values are then stored in
nonvolatile memory.
Numeric Keypad The keypad is used to enter a numeric parameter value. When
entering numeric values with the keypad, the Up and Down buttons can be used to
correct errors:
The Up button changes the value to 0; the correct value can then be entered
The Down button deletes the numbers, from right to left; the correct value can
then be entered
The alpha-numeric keypad is enabled when entering BISS Key and BISS ID
command parameters. To correct any alpha-numeric characters, use the left arrow
to delete the characters. To copy and insert the last character entered, press the
right arrow key.
Alphabetic Entries — when entering values in an alpha-numeric field, the
following alphabetic and numeric characters are displayed when a key is pressed:
The first press of a number key displays the first character in the set; sequential
presses of the same key advance through the character set, in a circular fashion.
The cursor is advanced by either pressing another number key, or by pressing the
right arrow key. For example to enter the word
ALL which has two characters in
the same characters set, the following keys would be pressed:
2 selects A
555 selects L
advances the cursor so the next letter can be selected
555 selects L
Key Character Displayed
1 . , ? ! - 1
2A B C 2
3D E F 3
4 G H I 4
5J K L 5
6M N O 6
7P Q R S 7
8T U V 8
9W X Y Z 9
0 ‘ +