(The alarm data base is backed up.)
・ It is necessary to stop the service of the data base of VN-RS800 once. (Time that the alarm between
a few seconds cannot record before it backs up is needed.)
* Refer to 4.3 (1), (2)
(Restoration and Search)
・ While VN-RS800 operation, backup data not allowed to restore, search and playback. You are
strongly recommended to restore, search and playback by other PC.
・ When restoring and searching for old data, the operation that stops this function is needed because
the function to delete old data works by setting “System Setting” – “Recording File Keeping Period”.
* Refer to 4.3 (3)
・ When the configuration file is restored, the restart of all services is needed.
* Refer to 4.3 (3)
4.3. Method of operating related function of VN-RS800
(1) Data base function how to stop when backing up
・ The backup of the alarm data base backs up "VN-RS800_alarm.db" of
"C:¥Documents and Settings¥All Users¥Application Data¥JVC¥SCoF¥db".
When backing up, it is necessary to stop the service of the data base of VN-RS800 once, so that the
data base is not updated while this file is copied.
・ There is the following procedure as a method of shortening the stop period of the data base service.
1). Stop the data base service
2). Copy "VN-RS800_alarm.db" as alias (VN-RS800_alarm_back.db)
3). Start the data base service
4). Back up file (VN-RS800_alarm_back.db) copied by the alias
・ The script file that does above-mentioned 1) - 3) is preparatory in
"C:¥Program Files¥JVC¥SCoF¥bin¥" as "BackupAlarmDb.bat".
(2) Method of restoring data base when restoring it
・ When searching, "VN-RS800_alarm_back.db" backed up by (1) can have to be read.
・ Please execute "RestoreAlarmDb.bat" of "C:¥Program Files¥JVC¥SCoF¥bin¥".
(3) Unnecessary function how to stop in PC to execute restoration and search
・ It is necessary to stop the following functions when searching and playing on not PC that executes
the record but another PC.
-- Acquisition of camera image (extra load of communication traffic and camera)
-- Deletion function of old image
・ Please execute "InstallPlayOnly.bat" of "C:¥Program Files¥JVC¥SCoF¥bin¥" to install VN-RS800 as
"VN-RS800 playback-only version" that stops the above-mentioned function after installing