
Example of response
audio.input(1).gain=32&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire mic gain. "0", "20", "26" or "32" is returned. "32" measn 32 dB.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Mic Gain for VN-V26
Example of response
audio.input(1).gain&200 OK
Interpretation Change mic gain. Specify "0", "20", "26" or "32". "32" measn 32 dB.
Allowed users admin, operator
6.5. Alarm Setting
The APIs below are related to alarm setting. These are equivalent to the features on the Alarm page of the WEB
setting page. Refer to the instruction manual for details on the Alarm page.
Getting On/Off of Alarm Action from VN-V25/26
Example When Getting the on/off status of alarm action No. 1
Example of response
application.event(1).status=on&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire the on/off status of the alarm action for the specified alarm action number. 5 alarm actions
and 1 periodic FTP assigned to No.6 are available, so alarm action number can be 1 to 6. Note that alarm numbers are
different from the alarm input pin numbers. Either on or off is returned.
Allowed users admin, operator
Setting On/Off of Alarm Action, or Enabling Changes to Alarm Action for
Example When setting alarm action No. 1 to off
Example of response
application.event(1).status&200 OK
Interpretation Set the alarm action of the specified alarm action number to on/off, or enable changes to the alarm
action. 5 alarm actions and 1 periodic FTP assigned to No.6 are available, so alarm action number can be 1 to 6. Note
that alarm numbers are different from the alarm input pin numbers. Either on or off will be returned.