selection. Each of these choices corresponds to the file sizes as follows.
Level File Size Setting for VGA File Size Setting for QVGA
1 80k 27k
2 60k 20k
3 40k 13k
4 30k 10k
5 25k 8k
6 20k 7k
7 15k 5k
When rate control is set to vfs and a file size that is not stated above is specified, the closest choice will be displayed
on the WEB setting page. The change is saved by the API, encode(1).status=save. If the change is not saved, the
setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting MPEG-4 Frame Size from VN-V686
Example of response
encode(2).framesize=vga&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire MPEG-4 frame size setting. "vga" or "qvga" is returned.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting MPEG-4 Frame Size for VN-V686
Example of response
encode(2).framesize&202 Accepted(encode(1).status=save)
Interpretation Change MPEG-4 frame size. Specify "vga" or "qvga".
When frame size of JPEG and MPEG-4 are same, privacy masking is available for both compression. When they are
not same, compression on QVGA can have privacy masking.
The change is saved by the API, encode(2).status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting MPEG-4 bitrate Setting from VN-V686
Example of response
encode(2).bitrate=8000000&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire the bitrate setting of MPEG-4. If the response is 8000000 for example, the setting is
Allowed users admin, operator, user