Section 28.23.29 Video Surveillance Remote Devices and Sensors
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Specifier Note: Closed Circuit Television systems are often installed in multiple phases, similar to certain electrical
components. It is important to schedule these phases in conjunction with construction phases. Improperly run wires or
undesirable mounting locations may degrade system performance, and, may void the manufacturer’s warranty.
A. Coordination: Ensure Closed Circuit Television System installation is fully coordinated with
provisions of Division 1, section 01 31 00 – Project Management and Coordination
B. Scheduling: Ensure pre-installation of cabling, mounting hardware and equipment installation is
fully coordinated with Division 1, Section 01 32 00 – Construction Progress Documentation
1. Building envelop must be substantially completed and HVAC systems installed and
operationally prior to final equipment installation
A. General: In compliance with Conditions of the Contract and Division 1, Section 01 33 00
Submittal Procedures
B. Product and technical data:
1. Manufacturers technical data sheets and bulletins
2. Manufacturers installation and operation manuals
3. Manufacturer Maintenance data
4. Spare parts list and recommended hardware
a. Recommended maintenance contract
C. Shop Drawings:
1. Wiring diagrams
2. Equipment placement locations
3. Schedules and tables: Product quantity and placement
Specifier Note: When comparing/choosing digital video security equipment, many products may be derivatives of
consumer electronics. The following language ensures the Owner the proper equipment is being used for the intended
A. The system shall be manufactured for the intended purpose in a commercial / industrial, 24 hour
day, 7 days per week, and 365 days per year operating environment
B. Manufacturer Qualifications:
1. Obtain [products] [systems] from a manufacturer experienced in the engineering, production
and support of closed circuit television systems, and, with sufficient production capability to
meet the required project schedule
2. Manufacturer capable of providing field representation during design, installation and
commissioning of systems