Management Application (Advanced
Ⅵ Hardware Devices
Item Initial value
Hardware Devices (Hardware Device Properties)
Name and Video
Hardware name and video
Hardware name
Enable (Depending on cameras)
Network, Device
Type and License
Network Address [None]
HTTP port [80]
Use default HTTP port [Select check box]
FTP port [21]
Use default FTP port [Select check box]
User name [None]
Password [None]
Device type Hardware type [None]
Serial number (MAC address) [None]
Device license key (DLK) [None]
PTZ Device The connected camera features pan, tilt, and zoom
[Do not select check box]
COM1 PTZ type/COM2 PTZ type [None]
Typ e [F ixed ]
Port [None]
Port address [0]
Fisheye Fisheye Enable fisheye [Do not select check box]
Fisheye license key [None]
Camera (Camera Properties)
General camera settings Enabled (Depending on cameras)
Camera name [None]
Camera shortcut number [None]
Frame rate Frame rate selection
Regular frame rate:
Live frame rate
[20 Second]
Regular frame rate:
Recording frame rate
[10.00 Second]
Enable speedup [Do not select check box]
Speedup frame rate:
Live frame rate
[20 Second]
Speedup frame rate:
Recording frame rate
[10.00 Second]
On motion [Do not select check box]
On Event [Do not select check box]
Start event [None]
Stop event