5. Measures for fi re fi ghting
Suitable extinguishing media
Compatible with all extinguishing media in general use.
Special hazard from the product, its products of combustion or gases released
In case of fi re the following can be released: Carbon monoxide (CO)
Carbon dioxide (CO
Hydrogen chloride (HCl)
Oxides of nitrogen (NO
Additional instructions
Combustion residues and contaminated extinguishing media must be disposed of in
accordance with the local authority regulations. Collect contaminated extinguishing water
separately, do not allow it to run into the drains.
6. Measures if inadvertently released
Personal precautions
Ensure suffi cient ventilation.
Wear protective clothing.
Where vapours/dust/aerosols are present, wear a breathing mask.
Environmental protection measures
Do not allow to run into the drains or bodies of water.
In the event of penetration into water, ground or drains, inform the responsible
Procedure for cleaning/clearing up
Absorb with media that bind to liquids (e.g. sand, sawdust, universal binding media.
Dispose of the material that has been cleared up in accordance with the chapter on
7. Handling and storage
Instructions for safe handling: Refer to Chapter 8 / Personal protective
Instructions for fi re and explosion prevention: Not applicable
Requirements for storerooms and containers:
Containers should be dry, kept tightly sealed and stored in a cool, well ventilated place.
Storage proximity instructions
Store separately from all kinds of foodstuffs.
Additional instructions for storage
Protect against frost.
Protect against heat and direct sunlight.
Protect against atmospheric humidity and water.
* 8. Exposure limitation and personal protective equipment
Components subject to monitoring of workplace concentration limits
Designation of the component
CAS no. type Reference/country/year
Naphtha (crude oil), hydro-desulphurised heavy
64742-82-1 Permissible workplace concentration 350 mg/m
TRGS 900/DE/2004
64742-82-1 Permissible workplace concentration 70 ml/m
TRGS 900/DE/2004
Markings (*) in the left margin indicate revisions from the previous version.