Lay all cables such that nobody can tread on them or trip over them.
When connecting the power cables (receiver and turntable) to the vehicle electrical supply, make sure
that the cable polarity is not reversed.
If the cable polarity is reversed there is a risk of thermal overload and damage
to components when the equipment is powered up!
If cable ducts are used to protect the cables, up to a size of 31 x 17 mm they can be concealed in the
recess in the casing hood.
The height of 17 mm should not be exceeded for turntables carrying a planar
antenna (CAP 600/HDP 600), since at the steepest elevation of 10° the planar antenna
can foul the cable duct during rotation.
If the cable duct is laid as a direct continuation of the CAP 900 cable outlet, the
height of the cable duct must be less than 10 mm, otherwise when the hood of the
CAP 900 infeed system is in the park position it will foul the duct.