
Some of the following symbols may be used on your tool. Please
study them and learn their meaning. Proper interpretation of these symbols will
allow you to operate the tool better and safer.
V Volts Voltage (Potential)
A Amperes Current
Hz Hertz Frequency (Cycles per Second)
W Watt Power
Kg Kilograms Weight
Alternating Current Type of Current
Direct Current Type of Current
Alternating or Direct Current Type of Current
Earthing Terminal Grounding Terminal
Class II Construction Denotes Double Insulation
min Minutes Time
s Seconds Time
Diameter Size of Drill Bits,
Grinding Wheels, etc.
No load speed No-load Rotational Speed
.../min Revolutions per Minute Revolutions, Surface Speed,
Strokes, etc. per Minute
1,2,3, … Ring Selector Settings Speed, Torque or Position Settings
HHoolldd tthhee JJiiggssaaww bbyy tthhee iinnssuullaatteedd ggrriippppiinngg ssuurrffaacceess wwhheenn ppeerrffoorrmmiinngg aann ooppeerr--
aattiioonn wwhheerree tthhee bbllaaddee mmaay
y ccoonnttaacctt hhiiddddeenn wwiirriinngg oorr tthhee ttooooll ppoowweerr ccoorrdd..
Contact with a "live" electrical wire will make exposed metal parts of the jigsaw
"hot" and create a potential for electrical shock to the operator. Do not cut into
existing walls or other blind areas where existing electrical wires may be pres-
ent. If this situation is necessary, remove all fuses and/or turn all circuit break-
ers off in the work area. After cuts have been completed in the blind areas,
inspect to ensure that no electrical wire was cut or nicked before reinstalling
fuses and/or engaging circuit breakers.
NNeevveerr lleeaavvee tthhee jjiiggssaaww wwiitthh tthhee ttrriiggggeerr lleefftt iinn tthhe
e lloocckkeedd ""OONN"" ppoossiittiioonn..
BBeeffoorree pplluuggggiinngg iinn tthhee jjiiggssaaww,, iinnssppeecctt ttoo mmaakkee ssuurree tthhee ttrriiggggeerr lloocckk iiss iinn tth
""OOFFFF"" ppoossiittiioonn..
Accidentally plugging the jigsaw in with the trigger lock
engaged can result in premature starting of the tool, which can cause damage
to the tool and/or serious injury to the operator.
KKeeeepp hhaannddss aawwaayy ffrroomm tthhee ccuuttttiinngg aarreeaa.. DDoo nnoott rreeaacchh uunnddeerr mmaatteerriiaall bbeeiinngg
ccuutt wwh
hiillee tthhee jjiiggssaaww iiss rruunnnniinngg..
Serious injury could occur. Always turn the jig-
saw "OFF" before inspecting the cutting area.
DDoo nnoott uussee dduullll oorr ddaammaaggeedd bbllaaddeess wwiitthh tthhee jjiiggssaaww..
Bent or damaged blades
can break or cause a kickback resulting in serious injury to the operator. Dull
blades will cause the jigsaw to perform improperly and may damage the tool.
BBeeffoorree ssttaarrttiinngg ttoo ccuutt wwiitthh tthhee jjiiggssaaww,, ttuurrnn iitt ""OONN"" aanndd aallllooww tthhee bbllaaddee ttoo
ccoommee ttoo ffuullll ssppeeeedd..
The jigsaw can chatter or vibrate if the blade speed is too slow
at the start of the cut. This can cause the jigsaw to kickback and damage the work
area or cause injury.
AAllwwaayyss sseeccuurree wwoorrkkiin
ngg mmaatteerriiaall bbeeffoorree aatttteemmppttiinngg ttoo mmaakkee aa ccuutt wwiitthh tthhee jjiigg--
Never hold the material with your free hand or across your legs. Small or
thin material may flex or vibrate causing loss of control and possible injury.
MMaakkee ssuurree aallll aaddjjuussttiinngg ssccrreewwss oonn tth
hee jjiiggssaaww aarree ffiirrmmllyy ttiigghhtteenneedd..
Failure to
tighten the adjustment screws can cause the blade to disengage from its hold-
er possibly damaging the jigsaw or causing injury to the operator.
KKeeeepp tthhee sshhooee ffllaatt oonn tthhee wwoorrkk ppiieeccee..
WWhheenn rreemmoovviinngg tthhee bbllaaddee oorr oot
thheerr aacccceessssoorriieess ffrroomm tthhee jjiiggssaaww,, aavvooiidd ccoonn--
ttaacctt wwiitthh tthhee sskkiinn.. AAllwwaayyss wweeaarr pprrootteeccttiivvee gglloovveess wwhheenn h
haannddlliinngg tthhee jjiiggssaaww
oorr aannyy aacccceessssoorryy..
The blade can become hot after prolonged use and will cause