Wiring the KlCKER Impulse Amplifier
The preferred method of bringing input signal in to the amplifier is with RCA
cables from a quality tape or CD player A high (speaker) level input signal may also
be used if your factory deck or aftermarket source does not have low level RCA
jacks Regardless of which input is used the output RCA jacks on your Kicker
Impulse amplifier will provide a low level signal for multiple amplifier configurations
Some of the system possibilities are shown in the System Diagrams section of
this manual
When working with power connections always hook up the ground wire first and
disconnect the ground wire last Never make any wiring changes with the amplifier
powered up
The chassis mounted fuse(s) are in place to protect the circuitry of the amplifier
in the event of major trouble An in-line fuse must be installed within 18 inches of
the battery to protect the power wire used to supply current to the amplifier This
fuse has to be at least as high of a value as the amplifier is supplied with In-line
fuse and recommended wire size are as folows
IX 2302
8OA fuse
IX 1302 6Ga 50A fuse
IX 702 8Ga 30A fuse
IX 402 IOGa ZOA fuse
IX 252 IOGa 15A fuse
Any time that a power wire goes through a metal panel such as the firewall, or if
there is any chance of abrasion, it is necessary to use a grommet or other suitable
form of protection to avoid shorts
The ground wire should be as short as possible and attached to the body of the
vehicle The ground point must be free from paint and corrosion Use the same
size wire for ground connection as is used for power
Mounting the KICKER Impulse Amplifier
After determining an appropriate mounting
location which provides good air circulation and
access to the end panel controls, use the
supplied screws and washers to firmly mount
the amplifier The amplifier chassis can be used
as a template for the screw locations Check to
make sure that the mounting screws will not
damage any components on the back side of the
chosen mounting surface
If a vertical mounting surface is chosen, it is
recommended that the heatsink fins run
vertically as shown for improved cooling