
Kirby Morgan 37 & 57
© Copyright 1970-2008 Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 080508001
tube. The square opening on the main tube must be
19) Spread the arms of the lever just enough to install
it on the main tube.
Close-up detail of the inlet valve.
20) Study the features of the inlet valve assembly.
There are 4 “wings” towards one end of the assembly
and a bore that creates the balance chamber on the
opposite end.
The wings that align with the lever arm are the 2
that have an additional wall for the lever arm to bear
on. The valve assembly should be inserted into the
main tube with these walls toward the bottom of the
regulator tube.
21) Using a clean wooden dowel rod, that has been
sharpened in a pencil sharpener and inserted in the
open end of the inlet valve, properly align and insert
the inlet valve into the main tube. If this is done
properly, the lever should lift up. If it does not, the
valve has not been inserted correctly.
22) While holding the inlet valve in position, pull
each arm of the lever outward just slightly until the
inlet valves moves further into the main tube, ap-
proximately 1/4 inch. The dowel rod should move in
a bit further to indicate that this has happened.
23) Release your pressure on the dowel rod. The lever
should fall back to its normal position against the
main tube. Push in gently on the dowel and the lever
Inserting the inlet valve into the main tube.
should rise again to approximately a 45 degree angle.
If this does not happen, or the angle is very low, the
inlet valve will need to be removed and reinstalled
to achieve the correct orientation.
24) Remove the dowel rod and insert the spring and
balance spacer with o-ring into the main tube. Make
sure the balance spacer is properly aligned inside the
main tube by pushing in on the end of the space to
see that it move inward (i.e., it engages the hole in
the inlet valve).
25) Thread the flex knob assembly onto the end of
the main tube (closest to the lever arms) until it just
stops. Hand tighten the assembly and then back the
assembly out one turn.
Insert the balance spacer and spring in the main
tube. When it is properly installed the spacer will
engage the inlet valve.
Thread the adjustment knob onto the main tube.
Thread the adjustment nipple into the main tube.