A-61506 September 2006 17
Verifying a custom
color table using the
Scan Validation Tool
Following are procedures for verifying a custom color table using the
Scan Validation Tool. For detailed procedures on using the Scan
Validation Tool see the Image Processing Guide for Kodak i800 Series
Scanners, A-61510 or the Image Processing Guide for Kodak i600
Series Scanners, A-61504.
1. Open the Scan Validation Tool.
NOTE: Be sure Save Images to Files is checked.
2. From the Imaging tab, select the custom color table from the drop
down list you want to verify.
• When duplex scanning, you must specify the desired table for
both the front image and rear image.
• If you have not saved your custom color table in the default
directory, it will not appear in the drop-down list and you will need
to go to the Setup tab. Click Download to locate and download
the desired table.
3. Click OK on the Kodak Scanner Properties dialog box.
4. Scan your representative documents to capture your images.
5. Exit the Scan Validation Tool.
6. Use an image viewer, e.g., Imaging for Windows, to open and
compare the image files you just captured to the corrected image
you saved previously when creating your custom color table.