A-61602 January 2008 45
Move Up — moves the selected Setting Shortcut up one position in the
Setting Shortcut list. When you move a Setting Shortcut, it will stay in
that position until you move it again.
Move Down — moves the selected Setting Shortcut down one position
in the Setting Shortcut list. When you move a Setting Shortcut, it will
stay in that position until you move it again.
Settings — displays the Image Settings window which allows you to
make changes to the selected Setting Shortcut. From this window you
can also access the Device settings and Diagnostics window.
Preview — initiates a scan and then displays the Image Settings
window with the scanned image placed in the preview area. The image
displayed is a sample based on your current shortcut settings.
OK/Scan — when selected, you will be prompted to save any unsaved
NOTE: If this button is OK, any unsaved changes will remain in effect
for the current scan session.
Cancel — closes the main Kodak Scanner window without saving any
Information Icons
About: displays the scanners’ version and copyright information.
Help: displays help information for the window currently being