For more information about testing methodology and
laboratory test results, click here
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Appendix 4—Part A—Real-world environment—Testing methodology and results
Kodak’s Quality Assurance Team conducted a series of comprehensive, competitive benchmark tests comparing the Kodak i780 Scanner/ISIS to the Canon DR-X10C Scanner ISIS/
Canon DR-X10C Scanner with VRS.
Misfeed management—test results
Multifeed productivity test
This test is intended to simulate a job set with pages that create real multifeeds where
two pages feed at the same time through the scanner and cannot be separated with
retry feeding.
The job stream consisted of 100 pages with induced multifeeds placed every 10 pages
in the document stack starting at page 5. The document stack was used for all multifeed
tests described.
Scanner features and settings profile used for multifeed productivity test:
300 dpi bitonal, duplex, auto orientation ON, auto thresholding ON, multifeed detection ON,
all zones ON, set to disable scanner on multifeed detect. Multipage TIFF output selected.
Canon “retry” count set to one attempt.
General test steps:
• Operatorscannedveprepared100-pagemultifeedstacks.
• Thestackswereloadedseparately,onefollowinganother.
• Eachmultifeedpagewasrescannedasquicklyaspossiblebyremovingthesticky
note and placing the document back in the feeder.
• Whentheimagesofthemultifeeddocumentweresenttothehosttheywereremoved
(deleted) from the batch before the rescan.
Multifeed Productivity Test
Kodak i780
Scanner ISIS
Canon DR-X10C
Scanner VRS
Time to scan batch of five sets of
100 pages with 10 induced multifeeds
in each set
19 min 11 sec 23 min 15.75 sec
Demonstrated performance in ppm 26.1 21.5
Challenging document productivity test
This test was intended to simulate a very challenging document including a wide range of sizes,
thicknesses and finishes.
General test steps:
Operator scanned five prepared challenge stacks.
• The stacks were loaded separately, one following another.
• Each real multifeed was rescanned.
• Images of real multifeeds were not included in the batch.
Scanner features and settings profile for challenge document productivity test:
200 dpi bitonal, duplex, auto orientation ON, auto thresholding ON, multifeed detection ON,
multifeed retry ON, all zones ON, set to disable scanner on multifeed. Multipage TIFF output.
Canon “retry” count set to one attempt.
Challenge Document
Productivity Test
Product Tested # of Pages Total time Average ppm # Multifeeds
i780 Scanner ISIS
250 5:18:03 47.2 25
DR-X10C Scanner ISIS
250 11:36:63 21.5 25