MPF-42 9/98
7278™ (16 mm, super 8)
EASTMAN TRI-X Reversal Film
E x p o s u r e Indexes: (For recommended re v e r s a l
D a y l i g h t
200* (24) Tu n g s t en
160 (23)
For negative processing in a typical motion picture nega-
tive developer, use the following exposure indexes:
D a y l i g ht
100 (21)* Tu n g s t en
80 (20)
P ro c e s s : KODAK Liquid Reversal Chemicals or fro m
bulk. Force Processing: 1 stop (or more) with some loss
in quality
check with your processing laboratory.
U s e : The high speed of EASTMAN TRI-X Reversal Film
7278 makes it suitable for general interior photography
with artificial light. You can use it in daylight also, and it
is particularly useful for sports events taken at re g u l a r
speed or slow motion in weak light (overcast sky or sports
events at night).
General Pro p e r t i e s : EASTMAN TRI-X Reversal Film
7278 has high speed, excellent tonal gradation, and high
resolving power. An antihalation layer is incorporated in
the film structure.
When processed as a reversal film, you can use the
resulting positive for projection or for duplication.
P r ocessed as a negative material by conventional
methods, the film yields satisfactory results, although a
print will be necessary.
*Super 8 automatic cameras will expose the film at ASA 160 due to the ANSI standard
cartridge notching system.
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