6 Toning Black-and-White Materials • G-23
If you want to prepare your own toners, the formulas and
instructions for the following toners are included below.
Hypo Alum Sepia Toner T-1a. Produces cold-brown to
chocolate-brown tones.
Sulfide Sepia Toner T-7a. Produces warm-brown tones
similar to those produced by KODAK Sepia Toner. It
includes a bleach and a redeveloper.
Gold Toner T-21. Produces a pleasing range of brown tones
with most warm-tone papers by “plating” the silver image
with gold. It has little effect on cold-tone papers. It tones the
highlights and the shadows of the print at a uniform rate,
allowing you to stop the toning when the print reaches the
hue you want.
Gold Protective Solution GP-1. Provides print protection
while changing the image tone only slightly.
Blue Toner T-26. Produces blue tones on some papers.
Warm-tone papers react well to this toner. Neutral-tone
papers change slightly to soft blue-black tones. Cold-tone
papers will not change.
Prepare and use the toner formulas as described below.
Hypo Alum Sepia Toner T-1a
This toner will cause a loss of print density and contrast. You
can compensate for this by increasing the exposure time and
the development time when you make your prints.
Mix the toner as follows:
Hypo Alum Sepia Toner T-1a
1. Place a tray in a tempered water bath. Pour the toner into
the tray, and heat the water to 49°C (120°F).
2. Immerse a thoroughly washed print in the toner, and
agitate it occasionally, especially during the first few
minutes of toning. Tone for 12 to 15 minutes, depending
on the paper type. Don’t tone prints for longer than
20 minutes at 49°C (120°F), and don’t use a higher
temperature. (Prints will blister or stain at higher
3. Rinse the print in warm water, and wipe it with a soft
sponge to remove any sediment.
Wash fiber-base prints in running water at 18 to 24°C
(65 to 75°F) for one hour, or use Hypo Clearing Agent to
reduce the wash time; wash resin-coated prints for 4 minutes.
Water at 20°C (68°F) 2.8 L
Sodium thiosulfate (pentahydrated) 480 g
Mix thoroughly; then add the following solution:
Water at 70°C (160°F) 640 mL
Potassium alum (dodecahydrated) 120 g
Then add the following solution (including the precipitate)
slowly to the hypo alum solution while stirring rapidly
* When you combine the solutions, a black precipitate may form. It will
not adversely affect the toning action of the bath if you use the proper
toning technique.
Water at 20°C (68°F) 64 mL
Silver nitrate, crystals
† Let the silver nitrate dissolve completely before you add the sodium
4 g
Sodium chloride 4 g
After combining the solutions, add—
Water at 20°C (68°F) to make 4 L