Troubleshooting (cont.)
Symptoms Probable Causes Recommended Action
2. Ground-Fault
Circuit-Interrupter (GFCI)
or Residual Current
Device (RCD) trips when
bath is turned on.
A. Electrical harness is wet or
A. Check for wet connections. Dry the
connections and repair the leak.
Check for insulation or connector
damage. Replace the harness if
B. Electrical wiring to the bath
junction box is wet or damaged;
or the power amperage is
B. Have a qualified electrician
diagnose and correct the problem
in accordance with applicable
building and electrical codes; or
increase the power amperage to 20
C. Electrical wiring to the bath
power cord is wet or damaged.
C. Have a qualified electrician
diagnose and correct the problem
in accordance with applicable
building and electrical codes.
D. Blower motor is shorted
D. Replace the blower motor.
E. Control is shorted internally. E. Replace the control.
3. User keypad is
illuminated, but does not
respond to icons or outer
A. Control program is locked. A. Reset GFCI or RCD.
B. P5 plug assembly harness from
user keypad to control is loose,
disconnected, or damaged.
B. Check wiring for proper
connections. Replace the wiring
harness if necessary.
C. User keypad does not work. C. Replace the user keypad.
D. Control does not work. D. Replace the control.
4. Blower motor will not
A. Power cord from blower motor
to control is loose, disconnected,
or damaged.
A. Check wiring for proper
B. Blower motor does not work. B. Replace the blower motor.
C. Control does not work. C. Replace the control.
5. Blower motor stops
running and will not
immediately restart.
Keypad is illuminated.
A. Blower motor overheated and
protection device activated.
A. Check for blockage at air inlet.
Remove blockage and allow motor
to cool. Refer to ″User keypad is
illuminated, but does not respond
to icons or outer ring. Blower
motor will not start.″
6. Blower motor starts, some
but not all airjets are
A. Blower motor speed is too low. A. Increase speed set point to blower
B. Blower air inlet is blocked. B. Clear blower air inlet.
C. Blower motor does not work. C. Replace the blower motor.
D. Blower motor discharge is
D. Clear blockage.
E. Check valve does not work. E. Replace the check valve.
F. Airjets are clogged. F. Use a small between-the-teeth
dental brush and white vinegar.
Dip the brush in the vinegar, brush
the hole, rinse the brush in clean
water, and then use the wet rinsed
brush to rinse the hole.
G. Some zones are closed. G. Operate all zones.
Kohler Co. 19 1199249-2-A