Drum Kits
*: Banks/numbers of a TRITON keyboard model or TRI-
TON-Rack whose data is being convert-loaded, for which
the TRITON Le has no corresponding bank/number
#: TRITON Le bank/number into which the * bank/num-
ber will be converted when loading.
Arpeggio Patterns
*: Banks/numbers of a TRITON keyboard model or TRI-
TON-Rack whose data is being convert-loaded, for which
the TRITON Le has no corresponding bank/number
#: TRITON Le bank/number into which the * bank/num-
ber will be converted when loading.
Parameters that are valid on TRITON keyboard
models, but invalid on the TRITON Le
1. Global mode parameters of a TRITON keyboard model
• “PC I/F Baud Rate” and “Beep” will be saved as
internal data, but the data will be ignored.
• If “MIDI Clock” is set to External PCI/F, it will
function as External.
Parameters that are valid on the TRITON-Rack, but
invalid on the TRITON Le
1. Global mode parameters of the TRITON-Rack
• “System Clock” will be saved as internal data, but the
data will be ignored.
Parameters that are invalid on the TRITON-Rack, but
valid on the TRITON Le
1. Combination, Multi, and Global mode parameters of the
The following parameters are invalid on the TRITON-
Rack, but are saved as internal data, and the loaded val-
ues or the default values will be output when saved. This
means that if a TRITON-Rack .PCG file is loaded, these
settings may be changed.
Combination and Multi modes:
MIDI Filter “Enable Foot Pedal/Switch”
Global mode:
“Convert Position”
“Foot Switch Assign”
“Foot Pedal Assign”
“Damper Polarity”
“Foot Switch Polarity”
TRITON keyboard
00-15(A/B) 00-15(I-A/B) 00-15(INT)
16-23(C) 16-23(E-A) 16-23(User)
24-31(C)* 25-31(E-A)* 16-23(User)#
32-39(D)* 32-39(E-B)* 16-23(User)#
40-47(D)* 40-47(E-B)* 16-23(User)#
48-55(User)* 48-55(E-C)* 16-23(User)#
56-63(User)* 56-63(E-C)* 6-23(User)#
- 64-79(E-E)* All 32(GM)#
- 80-95(E-D)* All 32(GM)#
- 96-111(E-F)* All 32(GM)#
- 112-127(E-G)* All 32(GM)#
- 128-143(E-H)* All 32(GM)#
64-72(GM) 144-152(GM) 24-32(GM)
TRITON keyboard
P0-4 P0-4 P0-4
U000-199(A/B) U00-199(I-A/B) U000-199(INT)
U200-215(C) U200-215(E-A) U200-215(User)
U216-231(D)* U216-231(E-B)* U200-215(User)#
- U232-247(E-C)* U200-215(User)#
- U248-263(E-D)* U200-215(User)#
- U264-279(E-E)* U200-215(User)#
- U280-295(E-F)* U200-215(User)#
- U296-311(E-G)* U200-215(User)#
- U312-327(E-H)* U200-215(User)#