Playing another instrument with the Pa50
You can use the Pa50 as the master controller for your MIDI
1. Connect Pa50’s MIDI OUT to the other instrument’s
2. Set-up the other instrument’s tracks to the same chan-
nels you want to play from Pa50. For example, if you
wish to play the Upper 1 and Upper 2 tracks with the
other instrument’s sound, set the other instrument to
receive on the same channels of the Upper 1 and Upper
2 tracks (by default, channels 1 and 2).
3. Set the general volume of the other instrument with its
own volume controls.
4. Mute/unmute any track right from the Pa50 front panel.
Set each track’s volume using Pa50 own VOLUME/
VALUE controls.
5. Play on Pa50’s keyboard.
The Keyboard
Pa50’s physical keyboard can drive up to 4 tracks via the
MIDI OUT (Upper 1-3 and Lower). MIDI output channels
are set in Global mode (see “Page 10 - MIDI OUT Channels”
on page 129).
As a default situation (Default Setup), each of Pa50 Realtime
Tracks transmit on these channels:
When a track is in mute, it can’t transmit any MIDI data to
an external expander or sequencer connected Pa50’s MIDI
To hear only the expander’s sounds, you can lower the MAS-
TER VOLUME control on the Pa50, or set the Realtime
Tracks to the External status (see “Page 15 - Track: Internal/
External” on page 46).
The Sequencer
Any Sequencer’s track can drive a channel on an external
instrument. To set each track’s MIDI output channel, see
“Page 10 - MIDI OUT Channels” on page 129.
To hear only the expander’s sounds, you can lower the MAS-
TER VOLUME control on the Pa50, or set the Song tracks to
the External status (see “Page 8 - Track: Internal/External” on
page 78).
Select the Sequencer 1 or Sequencer 2 MIDI Setup (depend-
ing on the Sequencer you are using on the Pa50) to set the
channels as follows.
The Arranger
One of the most interesting aspect of MIDI, is that you can
use your Pa50 to play an external instrument with its
onboard arranger. Yes, it’s hard to beat the audio quality of
Pa50, but you could wish to use that old faithful synth you
are still accustomed to…
To assign some of Pa50 Style tracks to an external instru-
ment, set them to the External status (see “Page 15 - Track:
Internal/External” on page 46).
Select the Default MIDI Setup to set the channels as follows
(this is the default status of Pa50).
Track Out Channel
Upper1 1
Upper2 2
Upper3 3
Lower 4
Track Out Channel
Song 1…16 1…16
Track Out Channel
Bass 9
Drums 10
Percussion 11
Acc1…5 12…16