
01b: Selected Timbre Information
This displays information on the selected timbre (18).
T (Timbre) [01...08]
Indicates the timbre number and the bank/number/name
of the program that is selected for the timbre.
Ch [01...16, Gch]
Indicates the MIDI channel number specied for the timbre.
01c: Timbre Number, Category, Bank/Program,
Timbre Number (1...8)
Indicates the timbre number.
The parameters below Timbre Number let you make set-
tings for that timbre.
Category [00...15]
The program for each timbre can be selected by program
category. All programs are classied into one of sixteen cate-
gories. After you select a particular category, you can choose
a program from that category.
When you press the popup button, the Category/Timbre
Program Select menu will appear. (Category/Program
Select menu Program P0: 01a)
Bank/Program (Program Select)
[INT-A...INT-F, G, g(1)...g(9), g(d), EXB-A...EXB-G]
Species the program that will be used by the timbre.
Part of the program name is displayed in the line below.
When Bank/Program (Program Select) is selected, you
can use the BANK [INT-A][EXB-G] keys or the VALUE
controllers to choose.
When you press the popup button, the Bank/Timbre Pro-
gram Select menu will appear, and you can select a program
(Bank/Program Select menu Program P0: 01a).
When Bank/Program (Program Select) is selected,
one of the BANK key LEDs will light to indicate the
bank of the selected program.
Bank INT-F can be selected only if you have installed
the EXB-MOSS option. When installed, the 128 special
EXB-MOSS programs will be available.
When you select a combination on the TRITON STU-
DIO, a MIDI program change for the selected combina-
tion number will be transmitted on the global MIDI
channel MIDI Channel (Global P1: 11a). At the same
time, bank select, program change, and volume (CC#7)
messages will be transmitted on the MIDI channel spec-
ied for each timbre whose Status (01c, 21b) is set
to EXT or EX2. However, these messages will not be
transmitted for timbres that are set to the same MIDI
channel as the global MIDI channel. In this case, EX2
timbres will show the Bank/Program (Program
Select) Bank as “–”, and will transmit the bank number
that was specied in Bank Select (21b).
MIDI messages transmitted when you operate the TRI-
TON STUDIO are transmitted on the global MIDI chan-
nel. At the same time, timbres whose Status is EXT or
EX2 will transmit the same messages on their own
MIDI channel.
If bank select and program change messages are
received on a MIDI channel that matches the MIDI
channel of a timbre whose Status is INT, the program
of that timbre will change. However if the MIDI chan-
nel of the incoming message matches the global MIDI
channel MIDI Channel, then the combination will
If you do not want the combination to change, you can
either change the global MIDI channel so that it does
not match the channel on which the program change
messages are being received, or you can uncheck
Enable Combination Change (Global P1: 11b). You
can also uncheck Enable Bank Change (Global P1:
11b) so that only the program number will change and
the bank will remain the same.
If you wish to change the program assigned to certain
timbres without changing the combination, you can
also set Enable Program Change (31a) so that the
program will change on certain timbres but not on oth-
Category and Bank/Program (Program Select) can
also be specied from P1: Edit-Program/Mixer.
Status [INT, Off, EXT, EX2]
Species the status of MIDI and the internal tone generator
for each timbre.
INT: When you play TRITON STUDIO, the internal tone
generator will sound, and will also sound in response to
MIDI messages received from an external MIDI device.
Off: The timbre will not sound. Nor will MIDI data be trans-
EXT: Playing TRITON STUDIO will not cause it to sound,
but it will transmit data via MIDI to control external MIDI
EX2: The Bank Select (21b) LSB value and MSB value will
be valid. Instead of the INT-AEXB-G bank numbers that
can be selected on the TRITON STUDIO, the bank number
specied by Bank Select (21b) will be transmitted via
MIDI. Other aspects are the same as for EXT.
Status can also be set in the P2: Edit-Trk Param, MIDI
Ch page.
Timbre Number
Program Select