G Self-locking screw
Tightening this screw lock the Main unit.
H Measurement switch
Pushing this switch proceeds with Frontal view alignment screen ➔ Diagonal align-
ment screen ( BG check ) ➔ Start measurement.
I Print switch
Pushing this switch allows contents in the display to be printed or output (only when
light is lit).
J Chin-rest ascending/descending switch
Used for ascending and descending Chin-rest.
K Function switches
Operates as they are assigned in accordance with each screen.
L Switches for frontal view
Pushing this switch switches the current display screen to Frontal view alignment
screen (only when the light is ).
2. Names and functions of components
Function switches
Functions assigned to the [Function Switch Display Area]
(refer to Page 13) may vary depending on the screen you
have chosen. Each of functions shown in each screen is
selected and executed by pushing the corresponding func-
tion switch. In this manual, “select [xxx]” means pushing
the corresponding function switch.
Operating segment
function swiches
Function switch display area