Unless you already have more than 4 Com Ports installed in your PC,
Windows will by default configure the LavaPort-Quad ports as Com5
through Com8.If you wish to change the Com number of any one of
these ports (e.g.Assign Port A to be Com 3), please use the Lava Com
Port Redirector Utility included in the“Utils“ subdirectory of your Lava
Installation Diskette.This may be necessary because some
communications applications programs do not recognize Port
designations beyond Com 4.The Lava Com Port Redirect utility will
allow you to change the Com numbering of your ports
To install the Lava Port Redirect utility on your hard drive, insert the
LavaPort diskette into your floppy drive, click Start, Run and type
changing I/O address resources.
Changing the Com numbering of your Ports