
The central drive combines three functions:
When its two halves are coupled together, you
can focus the binoculars, whatever the distance.
To disengage the two halves of the drive, pull
the upper half of the drive up as far as it goes.
By turning each disengaged half of the drive, you
can focus the optical system for each eye sepa-
rately; the lower half controls the left, the upper
half the right eyepiece. This allows you to adjust
the binoculars permanently to your personal
eyesight. The operational sequence is immateri-
al. To focus left and right separately, look
through the corresponding side of the binocu-
lars and close the other eye or cover the eye-
piece lens with your hand. The two halves of the
central drive are engaged when the red ring
between the two thumbwheels can no longer
be seen.