Leica CM 3050 S – Cryostat
6. Troubleshooting, applications tips
6.1 Displayed error messages
The autodiagnosis function of the CM3050 S
displays error messages in case of certain mal-
1. Power failure
This error message is displayed after the instru-
ment had been disconnected from mains, either
due to power failure or because the mains
switch had been turned off.
• To acknowledge the message, press
about 5 seconds.
2. Coarse feed
Coarse feed malfunction has occurred.
This message is also displayed, if the coarse
feed plug has not been reconnected properly
after reinstallation of the microtome.
3. Temperature indications
If the # symbol is displayed instead of chamber
or specimen temperature indication, the corre-
sponding temperature sensor is broken or a
short circuit has occurred.
4. Service
This message is displayed after a
certain number of operating hours
to remind the user to have a preven-
tive maintenance done by Leica
Technical Service.
This message is displayed only, if
the instrument is not regularly ser-
viced by Leica Technical Service.
We recommend a maintenance
contract once the warranty period
has expired!
Contact your local Leica sales
office for details!
If one of the error messages listed
under 2, 3 and 4 is displayed, please
contact Leica Technical Service.
6.1.1 Other error indications
(red ) in control panel 2 is illuminated:
• Emergency stop button accidentally activat-
--> Unlock.
• Footswitch not properly connected.
--> Check connection - connect properly,
if applicable.
CT-30°C OT-35°C
CT-30°C OT-35°C
CT-##°C OT-35°C
CT-30°C OT-##°C
CT-30°C OT-35°C