TL interference contrast
TL interference contrast observation is possible
with condenser 0.30 S70 with objective mag-
nifications from 10x to 40x, with condensers
0.53 S23 or 0.90 S1 from 10x to 100x. For
objective 100x there is also a condenser top
P 1.40 OIL S1 for extremely high resolution.
Crossing the polarisers
Remove the Bertrand lens and fluorescence
filter cube from the light path if necessary; turn
the condenser disc and turret for objective-side
IC prisms to pos. H. Focus the specimen (20x
objective). Set Koehler illumination exactly (not
needed for condenser 0.30 S70). Remove the
specimen from the light path.
Insert a polariser into the filter holder with the
engraving facing upwards.
Turn the filter holder to the right into the light
Push the analyser into the 2nd clickstop position
in the microscope with the engraving ICT facing
Set the optimum extinction position by rotating
the polariser and watching the empty field of
of transmitted light interference contrast