Instruction manual V2.1 – 04/2003
5.2. Put honing plate on holder
Two plates are supplied, each with two usable sides. When the plate is
properly positioned, tighten the thumbscrew. (Figure 14)
5.3. Apply coarse abrasive to the plate
(Shake the abrasive very thoroughly until all particles are in suspension. If
necessary remove dispenser top and stir to mix contents.) Squeeze a nar-
row „ribbon“ (about the width of a pencil) of the coarse abrasive on the glass
plate. The „ribbon” should be approximately equal in length to the knife being
sharpened. Apply coarse abrasive at least an inch inside the front edge of
the plate. Do not permit plate to run dry; add abrasive if needed. Avoid using
excess or abrasive will „pile up” on plate and may necessitate cleaning of
knife holder.
Be sure that the knife holder used matches the length of the knife
to be sharpened. See “Installation” on Page 5. Use of the wrong
knife holder be hazardous and may cause damage to the knife
edge can be hazardous and may cause damage to the knife edge.
Fig. 14
Thumbscrew should be finger tight.
Excessive tightening may damage
plastic plate positioning pins.
5. Coarse honing procedure