Obtaining Alerts About Your ix4-300d Network Storage
You can configure your ix4-300d to send email alerts when problems are detected. This is done through the
email notification feature. Email notification provides a destination for emails sent by the ix4-300d when
problems are detected. To provide a destination email address, enter the following information:
● Destination Email Addresses — enter a valid email address or addresses. This email address
provides a destination for messages sent by the ix4-300d when problems are detected by the
system. You can add multiple email addresses by separating them with commas, spaces or
● Check Send a test email message to confirm that email notification is working properly.
● Check Configure custom SMTP settings only if your network blocks SMTP traffic, requiring
additional credentials, such as a corporate firewall.
Most users will not need to check this option. If checked, enter the following additional information
to identify your SMTP server:
● Email Server (SMTP) — enter the address of your SMTP server.
● Sender Email Address — enter an email address for the ix4-300d to use as the From address
when it creates messages.
● Email Login — enter the username used to log into the email account you entered above.
● Email Password — enter the password for the email account.
● Confirm Password — confirm the password for the email account. It must match the
password provided above.
If your email application uses a SPAM blocker, it is recommended that you add a sender email
address to your safe list. If you do not define additional credentials, the default sender email is:
Click Apply to save your changes.
Setting up Your ix4-300d Network Storage
Obtaining Alerts About Your ix4-300d Network Storage 15