Remote Access Overview
This section describes how to use TZO remote access to access your device's data from any web-
enabled computer in the world.
If TZO remote access was enabled when you upgraded your px4-300r to LifeLine version 4.0 or
higher, the feature will continue to function as it did before. Otherwise this feature no longer
appears. We recommend you use Personal Cloud for remote access. See LenovoeEMC Personal
Cloud for more information.
Review the following prerequisites prior to enabling remote access:
● Enable Security — Before you can enable remote access, you must have security enabled on
your px4-300r Network Storage Array.
If security is already enabled, you are ready to enable remote access. If not, a pop-up window is
provided to enable security and create an administrator user to manage your secured px4-300r.
● Check the internet connection — Your px4-300r requires internet connectivity.
● Automatically configure the router — Prior to enabling remote access, ensure that your router is
UPnP enabled. If you have more than one router on your network, you must only have one router
used as a DHCP Server. Refer to your router documentation for more information. Your px4-300r
attempts to automatically configure your router. However, if it cannot, a warning displays, and you
must manually configure your router to forward a specific port to your px4-300r. Most routers refer
to this as port forwarding or application access, and it is recommended that you refer to your
router's documentation to learn how to set these values.
The following information is needed to manually configure your router:
○ Device IP Address
○ Port Name — HTTPS
○ Port Number — 443
○ Protocol — TCP
● Choose a subscription service level — Basic or Premium.
○ Basic — Allows you to define a sub-domain name and choose from a list of domains (Domain
Name) to create your web address. A complimentary subscription period with TZO is
included with your purchase of your px4-300r. Once your complimentary subscription period
expires, you must renew your subscription with TZO to continue accessing your px4-300r
○ Premium — Requires you to pay for your registration subscription by following a link before
you can complete the enabling remote access process. It allows you to define a top-level
domain name (Domain Name), or use one that you already own, such as yourname.com
● Create a Web Address for your Device — You create a web address to access your px4-300r
by specifying a Domain Name.
Remote Access: Accessing Your px4-300r Network Storage Array From Anywhere in the World
85 Remote Access Overview