The OneTouch
Meter can
display messages in 17 lan-guages:
English [engl.], Spanish [espan. ],
French [franc.], Italian [italia],
Hungarian [magyar], Dutch [neder.],
Norwegian [norsk], Polish [polski],
Portuguese [port.], Russian [pycck.],
Finnish [suomi], Swedish [svens.],
Turkish [turkce], Czech [cesky], Danish
[dansk], German [deuts.], and Greek
[e /ka].
The meter is set to give prompts in
English. To change the display
language, enter the set-up mode (see
page 47). Use the M button to choose
the Language option. Press the C button
until the language you want appears on
the display. You may now turn the
meter off or press the M button to
move to the next option. Once a
language is selected, all messages will
be displayed in that language.
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