inventory of the parts included with your Outdoor Storage Shed. Also, read through the entire instruc-
tion manual. It’s always a great practice to get a feel for the fl ow of the process and to familiarize your-
self with the parts involved. But, try not to get ahead of yourself and start the process out of order.
learned what that correct order should be. In our state-of-the-art research and testing facility, we have
painstakingly created these instructions. The order of construction is there for a reason, and some parts
simply will not fi t if built out of order. Just follow along with the order in the instructions and everything
will fi t together and things will go very smooth.
wonderful new Outdoor Storage Shed is not level, the Shed will not assemble correctly! We recommend
time, so provide the proper foundation for it before you start to build.
and county ordinances, to ensure that you do not require a building permit to construct your Outdoor
Storage Shed. Proper building permit documentation may be required in your neighborhood, and it
would be quite unfortunate to learn this after your Outdoor Storage Shed is already built!
Now that you’re ready to begin the construction of your wonderful new Outdoor Storage Shed, step
back, take a deep breath, get yourself a large cold beverage and enjoy yourself. We guarantee that after
spending the right amount of time in building your Shed, you will be able to enjoy it for years to come.
Thanks for choosing Lifetime©, and have fun!
Lifetime Products, Inc., has applied innovation and cutting-edge technology in plastics and
metals to create a family of affordable lifestyle products that feature superior strength and
durability. The world’s leading manufacturer of folding tables and chairs, Lifetime was found-
ed in 1986 as the maker of portable basketball systems that revolutionized the industry with
patented technology. With diverse offerings such as outdoor storage sheds and steel utility
trailers, Lifetime continues to develop innovative products that outfi t the way you live.
Lifetime makes the things you need for the lifestyle you want. By innovating products in and
around the home, Lifetime simplifi es your everyday life and enables you to get the most out
of your free time.