
Amp Model Details
Just as a great artist has many colors to paint with, you
to will be able to paint your music in many colors,
thanks to the wide range of tone available in the
LowDown. Each of these models, when selected,
automatically dials up a great useable default sound
that you can leave or change to your liking and save
by pressing and holding the button for 2 seconds.
Some helpful hints
We have given you model specific tone controls. They
react as the actual amp would in a given situation. For
instance turning the treble up all the way is a very
different experience on each model. We would suggest
that you pull up an amp and start with these controls
at 12 o’clock and the drive down, then decide what
you want to hear from there.
If you want more low end, ask yourself if you want
more round thick low end or do you want punchy low
end. This will help you determine if you should add
Bass or Low Mid to your sound. Sometimes adding
Low Mid gives you the bottom you want with a
punchier sound. The same goes for the high end. Are
you looking for clarity for your note or a percussive
attack? If you want clarity many times Hi Mid will
give that to you without adding the percussive attack.
Experiment with the tone controls because we have
given you a range of tone that has never been available
in a combo before.
This control is used to overdrive the preamp in order
to get various distorted sounds. In the fully counter-
clockwise position is the cleanest, least distorted sound
and as you turn it clockwise you bring in distortion.
Adjust to your taste.
Tone Controls
Bass, Low Mid, Hi Mid and Treble controls are
customized for each Amp Model to give you optimal
tonal control. These controls will help you to shape
the tone you hear in your head.
Opto Comp - The compressor control adjusts the
threshold of the compressor. The farther the control
is rotated clockwise, the more dramatic the compression
becomes which brings a more even dynamic to your
sound. When completely in the counter-clockwise
position, the compressor circuit is off. As you turn the
knob clockwise, the threshold at which the compressor
kicks in is lowered. The LED to the right of this control
will light when the compressor hits –5db of gain
reduction, which is a very good place to start.