
TThhee AAKKUURRAATTEE 221122 bbooookksshheellff ssppeeaakkeerrss aarree ssuupppplliieedd wwiitthh tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg
12 terminal link strips (four of which are factory fitted to the terminals);
4 x four-hole, 4 x three-hole, 4 x two-hole
4 speaker plugs
2 foam bungs
terminal collar tool
spike kit
warranty card
this manual
We recommend that you retain the packaging in case you need to transport
your speaker(s) at a later date.
33--KK AArrrraayy ccoovveerr
To remove the protective cover from the 3-K Array, carefully cut through the
two cable ties. The cover should come away easily.
Fabric grilles
The AKURATE 242, 225 and 212 speakers are supplied with fabric grilles. The
grilles are held in place by SEKRIT-Fasteners (shielded magnets hidden within
the cabinets). Grilles can easily be removed by sliding them downwards (away
from the magnets) and gently pulling them towards you.
Do not attempt to remove the metal grilles covering the drivers.
Remove dust and fingerprints from the cabinets with a soft, dry, lint-free cloth.
Avoid using domestic cleaning products as they may damage the veneer.
The grilles should be removed from the cabinets and cleaned carefully with a
soft brush.
AKURATE 242, 225 and 212
The AKURATE speakers are heavy; take care when removing them from their
TThhee AAKKUURRAATTEE 224422 fflloooorrssttaannddiinngg ssppeeaakkeerrss aarree ssuupppplliieedd wwiitthh tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg
speaker stand kit
20 terminal link strips (four of which are factory fitted to the terminals);
4 x five-hole, 4 x four-hole, 4 x three-hole, 8 x two-hole
4 speaker plugs
4 foam bungs
terminal collar tool
spike adjustment tool
warranty card
this manual
TThhee AAKKUURRAATTEE 222255 cceennttrree ssppeeaakkeerr iiss ssuupppplliieedd wwiitthh tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg aacccceessssoorriieess::
10 terminal link strips (two of which are factory fitted to the terminals);
2 x five-hole, 2 x four-hole, 2 x three-hole, 4 x two-hole
2 speaker plugs
terminal collar tool
spike kit
warranty card
this manual
AKURATE Loudspeaker System
Owner’s Manual
AKURATE 242, 225 and 212